Desktop/App Notifications & Mentions
Configuring Notifications in Desktop and Mobile Apps
Each user has the ability to see notifications in their Desktop and Mobile App to keep them informed of the following actions that occur within their account. This is especially impactful for our Team Pro accounts. Users can control which notifications they receive as well as which notifications they want sent as a Push Notification through their Mobile App. Users may manage the following options:
When you have a 0-3 Day Reminder applied to a Standard Task
Reminder when a Key Date is due
Changes to the Transaction Status (Active, Closed, Archived)
Changes to a Transaction Type (Listing, Pending, Etc)
When a Note is added to one of your Transactions on the Details Page
When a Comment is made on a Task which is assigned to you
When a Key Date is completed for your Transaction
When you are Mentioned in a Comment or a Note
Notification Icon
The bell in the top menu bar and in the top corner of the mobile apps will populate with any un-viewed notifications on an ongoing basis.
Users can click on any of the notifications to be taken to the applicable property or task.
Users can control which notifications they want displayed as well as which notifications they will to receive in the form of a "Push Notification" in the Settings section,
@ Mentions
In an effort to increase communication for our Team Pro users, any Comment made on a task or Note left on a property can be directed to 1 or more users and they will receive a notification both via Email and in their Notifications list.
Step 1: By typing the "@" symbol, a list of Transaction Parties associated with that Transaction will be available to select.
Step 2: Once you select your intended Team Member, you can complete your message.
Step 3: The recipient will receive a Notification from the Menu Bar and when clicked, will open up the task or note for additional, easy communication.
Step 4: The recipient will also receive an Email to ensure no communication gets overlooked. These emails will also include links directly to the Task or Transaction where the Mention was made.
Updated on: 05/24/2024
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