Articles on: Getting Started

How Does Nekst Work?

**How Does Nekst Work? (Video)**

Nekst is your system for managing listings, closings, marketing plans, new hire onboarding and any other process within your business that follows a set of steps and is repeatable. To start, let's focus on a quick overview of how to use Nekst to manage a property you have put under contract.

**Step-by-Step Translation from the Video

Step 1: Loading a Property (Transaction) into Nekst

Each property you want to track within Nekst must be manually added to the program using the ( + Add New Property ) button on the Tasks and Properties pages.

Add new propert

A pop-up box will appear where you can load a property. You will be asked for several pieces of information.

a.) Title - this is where you will input the street address of the property OR any other relevant title you desire

b.) Category - this is where you can choose between a Listing, Pending Buyer, Pending Seller, Pending Dual, or Other.

Listing: - use this type for any property which is for sale and without a purchase contract in place
Pending Buyer/Seller/Other: aka Contingent, In Escrow, Under Contract
Other: This can be used for all other cases, should you use Nekst for lead follow-up plans, new hire training, etc.

Type Dropdown

c.) Applying a Plan - You will be given the option of applying a plan. Nekst comes with several pre-built plans that are universal for the industry. You can work off of an existing Nekst Plan or create your own. Choose whichever plan best applies to your property. (You will be able to edit the tasks associated with a plan before you launch them.)

d.) Contract (Start) date - is the date in which you want to begin a process. For a purchase contract, it will typically be the date that a contract is executed. For a listing, it will be the official Listing Start date.

Note About Listings - I recommend that a Listing Process be broken up into 2 different action plans. The "Pre-Listing Action Plan" is a set of steps to be taken before a property makes it to market. This might include staging, a marketing analysis, photographer, etc. Once the property is ready to hit the market, you apply a new Action Plan.

e.) End date - is when the property is set to close or listing will expire.

Note About End Dates - Some processes may not have an end date because all tasks are built around the Start Date. In this case, just pick any date in the future in order to proceed to the next step.

Once all of these have been filled out, click “Add Property” to be taken to the page where you can modify the tasks that are associated with the plan you chose.

Step 2: Adjusting your plan to match your contract

Immediately after clicking "Add Property", the list of Key Date tasks will be displayed where you can edit the deadlines to match your agreement, add new key date tasks or remove tasks that aren't necessary for the process (i.e. if a contingency is waived)

Should you wish to change the due date of a task, simply click on the name to expand the task box. Change the drop down boxes to:
A select number of days before/after the "Start Date"
A select number of days before/after the "End Date"
Of if you prefer no due date, leave this portion blank

Step 3: Adjusting the non-key date task to match your contract

This 3rd step allows you to change or remove any non key-date task necessary to ensure the perfect process is followed.

Step 4: Adding Parties to the Transaction

This final step allows you to add Team Members to the property as well as transaction parties such as a lender, buyer, seller, coop agent, etc. Note that this step will indicate which roles are assigned tasks and which recipients are set to receive an email or SMS notification.

Note about Adding Parties:
A team member can be assigned multiple roles
When you begin typing the name, Nekst will auto-populate those contacts already in your database

Status (Active)

By default, every new property is given the status of "Active". Once you have created the property, you can adjust the status of a property between Active, Closed, or Archived.

Active: Use this for any property with open tasks to complete.
Closed: When you close a property successfully, use this status.
Archived: This label is for any property that falls apart, is cancelled, terminated, etc.

Nekst does not allow you to "Delete" properties. Instead, change the status to "Archived" which will remove all outstanding tasks from your "To Do" list and move the property into the "Archived" section of the Properties page.

Updated on: 04/03/2024

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