Detail Boxes: Manage Any Information You Want
Detail Boxes: How to Customize the Information you Track Nekst is designed for users to manage properties and processes that fall under 5 different categories. We call these 5 categories, "Types": Listings Pending Buyers Pending Sellers Pending Dual Other (Processes) For each Type, you typically want to track different information. For Listings, you don't need to track pending details since you are not under contract. For Pending BFeaturedStandard Task Box Overview
Standard Task Box Overview Nekst allows you to add individual tasks to a transaction during the initial setup as well as any time after a workflow has been applied. To add a single task, you can select "Add Task" from the Tasks Page or from an Individual Transaction Page Select the Type of task you want to apply. From the "Tasks" page, you must also select the TransactionFew readersEvent Tasks: Calendar Invite Combined with a Task
Event Tasks are a cross between a Calendar Invite and a Standard Task. This type of task is only available for Existing Transactions and cannot be built into a Workflow. Ideal uses for Event Tasks are to let any party of the transaction know when the following is scheduled to occur: Closing Date Marketing Material Drop-offs (for listings) Photo Appts Final Walkthroughs Appraisals Showings (not to be redundant with Showing Time notifications) Measurement Appts Re-Inspections aFew readersDependent and Proceeding Tasks
Nekst allows users to create Tasks with due dates based on the 1) Start Date, 2) End Date - AND - Any other Task. If you want to create a task that is set to occur a number of days BEFORE a task, this is called a Proceeding Task. If you want to create a task that is set to occur a number of days AFTER a task, this is called a Dependent Task. (For the sake of this tutorial, we will call the intial task created, which has proceeding and dependent tasks linked to it, the Parent Task.Few readersEmail Task Overview - How to send Pre-written Emails
Email Task Overview - How to send Pre-written Emails Nekst makes it easy to send out pre-written (canned) emails throughout the transactions. Emails can be sent to ANY party of the transaction. Here are a few tips & tricks: All emails come pre-formatted with the following: Transaction name at the end of the Email Subject line (ex. Time to Transfer Utilities - 456 Main St) The 456 Main St gets added automatically You can create a greeting at the beginning using a Smart Tag likFew readersSMS Task Overview
Learn how to implement SMS tasks in your business and get your client to Opt-In to receive messages.Few readersAdding, Removing & Managing Tasks
Adding, Removing & Managing Tasks Adding Tasks Tasks can easily be added to a Workflow or Transaction by clicking the +Add A Task Button at the top of the page. Managing Tasks To edit tasks of a Workflow that you have already launched for a Transaction, you can easily update the following details within each task box, by simply clicking on the task title: The Task title DueFew readersSmart Tags: Pre-fill your Emails & SMS Messages with Personalized Transaction Information
Nekst allows users to apply Smart Tags to their EMail and SMS messages so that transaction information will auto-populate within communication throughout the transaction.Popular