Articles on: Setting Up a Team Account

TEAM PRO: The Basics of Assigning Tasks

**TEAM PRO Version - The Basics of Assigning Tasks**

Transparency is becoming more and more important in real estate. Being able to convey a list of steps for your clients to follow during a transaction will help them to fully understand their responsibilities throughout the listing and closing process. This article points out the core basics of assigning tasks to parties.

Basic #1 - Assigning Transaction Parties
In Nekst, when creating an action plan, tasks are assigned by "Role" instead of to specific people. Your real estate team will change over the years and for the larger teams, there may be multiple TCs or Assistants who do the same role on different properties. In order to avoid having multiple copies of an action plan based on team member, the use of Role is ideal.

When creating your plan, you can assign tasks to a single role or multiple roles. By selecting the "Gray Briefcase" next to the role, changing the color to Green, you are assigning the task to that role.

The account owner and anyone setup as a Team Administrator can create and edit action plans. This includes assigning tasks and changing due dates. When people with these permission levels complete a task, the task is considered "complete".

For those team members with the role of "Team Member," they are able to complete their tasks and leave comments. However, they cannot change the due date, complete other team member tasks, launch new properties or edit action plans.

If there is a task assigned to both a "Team Member" (e.g. Buyer's Agent) and a "Team Administrator" (e.g. Transaction Coordinator) to complete, we interpret these tasks as being equally important to both users, with the Team Administrator likely being held most accountable for the task being completed. To ensure full transparency for these situations:

If a Team Member Completes The Shared Task = The task will show as "Complete" in the Team Members Account and be removed from their To-Do list. The Team Administrator will still see the task in THEIR list, but the checkbox will have a green dash running through it.

If a Team Administrator Completes the Shared Task = It will be removed from both the Team Administrator and Team Members To-Do list.

Basic #2 - The Task Detail Box & Marking Tasks Private

Any information you add into the "Task Details" box will be visible by all parties who have access to that property unless the task is marked "Private". When a task is marked "Private", only those users who are assigned the task and the Account Owner can see the task. The task will have a yellow "lock" icon to signify it's "Private" status.

Basic #3 - Using the Filters

Our default view for each task page in Nekst is to show the user only those tasks which are assigned to them. If you want to see all tasks or tasks assigned to a specific team member, click the "Filter" button at the top of the task list and select those applicable team members.

Updated on: 10/23/2024

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