Articles on: Managing Listing/Closing Plans

How to Create a New Workflow

How to create a New Workflow

If you already have a paper checklist, excel document or a free to-do program that you are using to manage your tasks - you can easily incorporate all of those tasks into Nekst.

First Step - Click on the "Workflows" tab on the top navigation bar.

You can modify an existing pre-loaded Workflow by making a copy of the Workflow and renaming it


Create a new Workflow from scratch by clicking the "Create New Workflow" button.

Give the New Workflow a Name and associate it with one of the 5 "Types" of Processes:
Pending Buyer
Pending Seller
Pending Dual
Active Buyer

Begin Adding Tasks using the "Add Task" button. As you continue to add tasks, your Workflow will save automatically.

Add a task

Here is a quick breakdown of how to understand the "Standard Task".

Plans - Add a task

Task Title - Brief Description of the task

Due Date - You can choose a number of days before -OR- after the Start (Contract/Listing) Date or the End (Closing/Listing Expiration) Date

"Key" Date - any task that has a variable date depending on the contract terms (e.g. inspection period, loan commitment) or is a really important date you need advance notice and DON'T want to miss. (e.g. Final Walkthrough, Closing) should be labeled as a key date.

"Private"- This will allow you and those you give permission to be the only one who see this task.

Only During Business Week - This will shift any task that falls on a weekend to the Friday before, to ensure your administrative help does not return to work on Monday with past-due tasks

Link to Detail Box - Any detail box that has a "Date" type associated with it can be linked to a Task. Should you adjust the due date of a task, this will update the Detail Box automatically. For Pro users, when a contract is uploaded, the date pulled from the contract will automatically adjust this task to match

Assign To Transaction Party - This allows you to pre-assign a certain task to a role on your team (Team Pro users only).

Description - this box can be used to provide guidance for training or to help Support staff know the proper way to complete a task. This same description will appear in the Roadmap of the Client Portal by default.

Send Email Reminder - If you want to email yourself, a team member or client about an upcoming task, you choose between 0 and 3 days before the task comes due. An email will be sent at 9am on the chosen date and include the following information: Task Title, Task Description and Due Date.

Here is a quick breakdown of additional fields which can be found in an "Email Task".

Task Title - The Task title will ALSO be the subject line of the email. Each subject line will also automatically have the Transaction name tagged at the end. So if there is task for 123 Main St called "Congrats on the sale!", the email subject line will read: Congrats on the Sale! - 123 Main St

Auto-Send - If this box is checked, this email will automatically be sent at 9am EST on the day that the task comes due. NOTE only Email Tasks due 1 or more days in the future can use auto-send. If you have email tasks due the same day you launch a new Transaction or due 1 or more days BEFORE the launch date, these emails will NOT be be sent out.

Send From - You can select a certain team member to be the "Sender" of an Email or leave it to the default of "Whoever presses send". All Auto-Send emails will come from the Manager unless otherwise selected.

Email Text Box - Craft your message in this box. Note: All emails will automatically include the greeting "Hi (buyer first name)," -or- "Hi (recipient #1 first name) and (recipient #2 first name)," as well as the email signature from your profile at the bottom of each message.

Receive Email - Select which transaction party(ies) you want to receive the email on the "To" line

CC - Select which transaction party(ies) you want to receive the email on the "To" line

Here is a quick breakdown of additional fields which can be found in an "SMS Task".

Plans - SMS Task

SMS Text - Here you can write a message up to 320 characters. Any recipient will need to Opt In to receive SMS messages from you 1 time at the start of the transaction.

Receive SMS - Select each role that you wish to receive the message. This will NOT create a group message but will send out individual messages to each recipient

Each Workflow can be easily updated and adjusted as your business grows.
Any changes made to these Workflows will not automatically update your existing properties.
To launch an updated Workflow, you will have to Remove All Existing Tasks and Apply Your Newly Updated Workflow.

Updated on: 10/18/2024

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