Articles on: AI & Contracts

Understanding Detail Box Sets

Understanding Detail Boxes

What Are Detail Boxes?

Detail Boxes represent a piece of information in a Transaction. They can include any date, text-based information, or currency amount, that you wish to track.

Instead of manually inputting all of this information from every contract, we can train our AI to specifically read and extract information from your contracts and auto-fill each of these boxes, when applicable.

In order to turn this extracted contract data into a Workflow of Tasks, we need to connect our Tasks and our Detail Boxes (which contain a date) together.

So for example,

1) You have a Detail Box called Inspection Deadline

2) You have a Standard Task in a Workflow called "Submit Response from Inspection to Sellers" with a template (estimated) due date of 7 Days after Start Date

3) You have a Contract that was executed on 10/1/24 and an agreed upon inspection contingency of 10 days after offer acceptance

We have to make sure that:
the correct date gets placed in the Detail Box of 10/11/24
the "Submit Response from Inspection to Sellers" task gets adjusted from 7 Days to 10 Days after Start Date

We do that by linking the appropriate Task to the appropriate Detail Box. And once this link is made, any adjustments made to the Task will automatically update the Details Page, SmartTags, Transactions Page, etc.

Detail Box Sets

A Detail Box Set is a Group of Detail Boxes. These Groups can only be created by Nekst Support as they will align with a specific Contract that we have trained on your behalf. If you sell in multiple markets with different contracts, we permit up to 3 different Contracts for Solo Pro users and 6 different Contracts for Team Pro users.

If you decide that you do NOT want to include a Detail Box in a Set that we created on your behalf, you can remove it by clicking the pencil icon on the right side and unchecking the box.

You can add new Detail Boxes and these will be available in every Detail Box Set. However, they are Hidden by default. To add them to a specific Detail Box Set, you need to click the "Show Hidden Detail Boxes" at the top, scroll down to the bottom and click the Edit Button to Include In Set

If you create a new Detail Box for a Date, and AI is not recognizing the date from the purchase contract, send us a chat request and we will add it to your account and update the training of our AI.

Parent Detail Boxes & Dependent Tasks

Some contracts have certain Deadlines occurring after another Deadline has concluded. For example, the Seller's Response to an Inspection Request might be due 5 days after receiving the Buyer's Defect Notice.

If the Buyer submits the Notice on Day 3, the Sellers must respond by Day 8. But if the buyer submits a Notice on day 5, the Sellers must respond by Day 10. In order to accommodate this situation, we have Detail Boxes that are dependent upon a Parent Detail Box.

When building a Workflow, we are able to accommodate this same situation by using Dependent Tasks. You can create a Dependent Task which is due a # of days AFTER the Primary Task is completed.

As you create a Workflow, you will need to structure your Tasks to include a Primary task and a Dependent task to align with Detail Boxes that also include both a Primary/Parent Detail Box and a Dependent Detail Box.

Should you find a situation where you are unable to Link to a Detail Box correctly, it is likely because your Workflow does not follow the structure necessary to accommodate a Primary/Dependent relationship.

Creating a Workflow from a Detail Box Set

You can create a Basic Workflow, that automatically creates a list of Standard Tasks, named after the Detail Boxes and already linked, by selecting the Detail Box Set from the list and clicking "Edit"

Renaming a Detail Box Set

Should you wish to rename the Detail Box Set, you can do so by clicking the Edit button

Updated on: 10/04/2024

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